Informations pratiques

Workforce :





XBAI-CONSULTING is an optimization and artificial intelligence consulting company. Its mission is to provide companies with innovative and efficient Data Science solutions in order to:
• Maximize their gains while minimizing their risksthrough both the identification and optimization of the key factors of their activities and the characterization of the most volatile factors to bebrought under control or to be closely monitored.
• Increase the availability of their production tool through a solution combining auditing and the deployment of alert and intelligent diagnostic modules to identify and accelerate the correction of failures.
• Strengthen their activities through a better knowledge of their market, its evolution as well as the impact of this evolution on their sales thanks to intelligent solutions of analysis, forecasting and planning.

Compétences & savoir-faire

Mathematical modeling, Numerical optimization, Machine earning, Deep Learning, Statistical analysis, Dashboarding.

Produits, technologies & services

• Quality optimization: identification and optimization of key parameters• Predictive maintenance• Production planning• Supply chain optimization

Notre localisation

Address :

69 Rue de Montagny,
69008 Lyon