Boutique consulting firm supporting industries - particularly chemicals, petchem, plastics - in climate action. Trough our HazClim process, we help clients address both the mitigation and adaptation climate imperatives. As a mission venture, our goal is a world adapted to climate and neutral in carbon by 2050. Our offer includes climate risks analysis and resilience plans development, as well as GHG accounting (Bilan Carbone) and low carbon path development. We're adressing jointly GHG emissions, climate impact and energy conservation.
Compétences & savoir-faire
Global experience in the field of chemicals, petrochenicals, and energy; detailed understanding of upstream, downstream and end of life ecosystems.
GHG Assessment and Product Carbon Footprint modeling
Produits, technologies & services
Climate / resileince: an integrated methodology combining efficient and effective assessement og GHG and climate risks, and development of action integrated plans to tackle both. We have transformed safety and management tools approach to make it fit the climate urgency response.