Informations pratiques

Workforce :





OptiFluides is an engineering consultancy specialized in R&D related to Fluid Dynamics. Our services range from numerical modeling to experimental measurements. We study fluid flows, thermal transfers, chimical cinetics and every other phenomena which come into play in the design or the functionning of industrial equipments and processes. We model air flows, hydraulic systems and air pollutants dispersion.

Compétences & savoir-faire

Experiments and measurements: performing measurements on site or in laboratory using experimental methods mainly based on imagery. This approach complements or validates results from numerical mode.

Produits, technologies & services

- Numerical modelling: we model every type of fluids flows, laminar or turbulent, steady or unsteady state, single-phase or multiphase, with phase change, thermal transfers, chemical reactions, combustion, etc.
- Experimental testing: we validate our results by providing a wide range of experimental measurements.
- CFD training: professionnal trainings adapted to your skills.

Notre localisation

Address :

66 Boulevard Niels Bohr,
69100 Villeurbanne