MPC is specialized in the industrial solutions for the disinfection of process waters and the treatment of industrial effluents.
From innovation, development and engineering, MPC is supplying UV equipments and units for metal recovery in order to allow his customers to handle the globality of its waters, rejects and industrial effluents.
Compétences & savoir-faire
MPC is the specialist of water treatment using UV, of the COD degradation by Advanced Oxidation and the recovery of metals in effluents.
Produits, technologies & services
Our UV Lamps Microspear and our MicroUV reactors are the main products of our UV Disinfection product line for the treatment of process waters and rejects. Our CLEAN AERO solution is dedicated to the water treatment of Cooling Towers against the legionella risk and Biofilm generation. Our AOP solution UV+H2O2 provide an effective degradation of the COD and the elimination of dangerous substances.