The Physics Laboratory at ENS de Lyon addresses scientific activities in several fields of physics and combine theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches.
Compétences & savoir-faire
Signal processing
Statistical physics
Quantum physics
Aging, fracture
Numerical simulations
Microscopy (optical, AFM, SEM)
Optical tweezers
Produits, technologies & services
The Laboratoire de Physique covers various scientific themes: hydrodynamics, geophysics, soft materials, biophysics, signal processing, mathematical physics, condensed matter, quantum physics, aging and fracture, thermomechanics...
The studies on these themes are based on recognized competences in statistical physics at equilibrium and out of equilibrium.
Our experimental approaches rely on the development of innovative ad-hoc measurement techniques.
Our scientific equipements include a wind tunnel, an anechoic Faraday cage, a clean room, optical tweezers, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), several atomic force microscopes (AFM), and a C-Trap setup combining advanced microfluidic, confocal microscopy and optical tweezers to study the interactions between single biomolecules.