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Located on the LyonTech-La Doua Campus in Villeurbanne, (France) PROVADEMSE is the technological innovations platform of INSAVALOR, dedicated to the development of ecotechnologies. PROVADEMSE facilitates the emergence and the development of innovative technical solutions, for waste and effluent treatment and recovery scenarios by relying on solid competences in experimentation on both laboratory and demonstration scales. PROVADEMSE was established due to the initiative of regional public structures in order to develop and valorize the knowhow of the scientific community of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, as well as the expertise of the region’s industrial network. Labeled by AXELERA in 2008, PROVADEMSE has been since broadly supported by the Ministry of Industry, DRRT, the Region, Metropole of Lyon and the FEDER funds. Since 2010, PROVADEMSE has implemented around 250 projects with a wide range of companies varying in size and structure type, with professional trade unions, communities, state agencies, French and foreign governments, as well as the European Commission. Comprised of a highly qualified team (doctors, engineers and technicians) and possessing a solid experience of 30 years, PROVADEMSE covers the whole technical process, starting with on-site sampling and proceeding to consulting in implementation on industrial scale. Our expertise allows us introducing precise solutions in the following areas: • Waste characterization and management • Environmental characterization • Soil and sediment depollution • Waste valorization in new materials • Waste valorization in energetic resources • Industrial and territorial ecology   Among our references, we can list important national programmes (PCB AXELERA, Recybéton), industrial cooperations (ALTEO program - Bauxaline® Technologies; GASCLEAN/GABOREC and GENIUS programs in partnership with COGEBIO), international cooperations (Ecuador: feasibility of polluted material treatment), assistance to supervision and contribution to development of specialized guides for public structures (ADEME, CEREMA, Cap Sédiments). PROVADEMSE will soon be enhanced with a new headquarters, (pilot plant hall, laboratories, office area) dedicated to the development of ecotechnologies, with the capacity of welcoming both academic and industrial partners

Notre localisation

Address :

BP 2132
69100 Villeurbanne