Ecofilae is an independent consulting and engineering company that is a pioneer in water reuse in France. Since 2009, we have been working to transform the way water is used, whatever its origin and whatever the scale of the area or site concerned.
Bringing together the skills of more than 18 expert engineers in six sectors, Ecofilae provides support at every stage of the project to reduce the water footprint.
Our global approach involves and federates all the players in the water basin concerned: local players, managers of water resources and users, so that they can collectively draw up and implement a project to reduce water consumption.
Our approach
Compétences & savoir-faire
Ecofilae has over 180 references dedicated to water efficiency, the reuse of treated wastewater and reducing the water footprint.
Our projects
Produits, technologies & services
Our services :
- Engineering (studies of opportunities, feasibility, regulatory file, AMO),
- Training (inter, intra, webinair),
- R & D (demonstrator,
- Digital.
Our solutions