Informations pratiques

Workforce :





eFlower offers companies Open Source and low code digital tools for time series management and support to monitor their energy, economic and environmental performance. The support is done in 4 steps:
- Installation of the open source Timeseries Refinery suite in the company's IT environment.
- Connection of the suite to the company's internal data sources (consumption, production, etc.) and/or to external eFlower data (weather forecasts, electricity market price forecasts, CO2 emissions forecasts to assess the impact of consumption shifts, etc.)
- Training of process engineers in the use of the tool and in the work of data analysts.
- Creation of balance sheets and performance indicators with high added value.

Produits, technologies & services

The Timeseries Refinerey is an Open Source suite of Data Management tools.
Our tools make it easy to acquire and clean time series, aggregate them, automate tasks, run forecast models, calibrate them and finally offer high value-added visualizations. They can be installed in our customers' IT environment and can connect securely to their own database.
They are used today by market analysts or for monitoring the consumption and production of a portfolio of energy-consuming customers.
An example of dashboard possibility can be found on our site
The tool can also be enriched by our own data: forecasts of CO2 emissions, electricity market prices, weather, etc.

Notre localisation

Address :

2 Rue de Poissy,
78810 Feucherolles