The CNRS is a publicly-funded science and technology research institute operating under the aegis of the French Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation with a staff of nearly 33,000, a opera- ting budget of €3.3 bn (€769 million self- nanced), and more than 1,100 research and service units across France, the CNRS is France’s primary multidisciplinary research organization the CNRS Chemistry Institute conducts state-of-the-art research in various chemistry fields (www.
Compétences & savoir-faire
Organic chemistry, applied chemistry for life sciences and healthcare, materials and nanomaterials, metallurgy, polymers and soft matter, catalysis and chemical reactivity.
Produits, technologies & services
The CNRS Institute of Chemistry, via its laboratories, can conduct studies and research contracts with external partners, including industrialists.
Research carried out in particular on:
- Energy, energy storage and conversion: batteries, supercapacitors, photovoltaics, bioenergy, hydrogen production and storage, biomass conversion
- Sustainable development: biomass, CO2 recovery, biosourced processes, catalysis
- Eco-responsible processes: green chemistry, bio-inspired chemistry, remediation, recycling, natural products, microuidic and miniaturized devices
- Electronics and organic electronics: conductive polymers, dyes, detectors, organic LEDs, devices for flexible electronics...
- Health and biological chemistry: drug discovery, medical imaging and contrast agents, natural products.