AD FINE is a research, consultancy and training company that supports companies and territories in the ecological transition, to make them resource-efficient players.
Its fields of expertise are environmental performance, energy efficiency and the circular economy. AD FINE contributes to the transition towards a sober and desirable society in order to meet the challenges of climate, energy and biodiversity.
More information on our website: or on our LinkedIn profile.
Compétences & savoir-faire
Regulatory audits, technical studies, consulting and operational support, ISO 50001 and 14001 management systems.
Produits, technologies & services
• Environment :
- ISO 14001 EMS - LCA & ecodesign
- Greenhouse gas evaluation (Bilan Carbone tool)
- Industrial water management.
• Energy :
- Energy audit of industrial processes and transport EN 16247-3 - and EN 16247 - 4
- Energy Management System ISO 50001 (consultancy & internal audit)
- IT for Energy Management (software tools).
• Circular Economy and Territorial Industrial Ecology :
- Flow analysis
- Territorial animation.