Optimization of the simulation and use of fiber-reinforced plastic parts aged in water/glycol media.


Budget : 4539 k€

Aides publiques : 1875 k€

Durée du projet

49 Mois Date de début : 01/09/2018
Date de fin : 01/09/2022


Integrative simulation allows to take into account the forming process in the calculation of the final mechanical properties of a part. On a part molded from glass fiber reinforced polyamide resins, it allows to take into account the orientation of glass fibers in finite element simulations. This technology has been used for a few years to perform very accurate simulations for static or dynamic stresses. Recently, its use has been extended to fatigue loading, as part of an FUI project coordinated by Solvay Engineering Plastics completed at the end of 2016. To achieve even greater control over more aspects of the design of a short fiber reinforced part, it is now necessary to be able to simulate the effects of aging on reinforced polyamides.

Among the various possible sources of degradation over time of the performance of fiber-reinforced polyamides, one of the most critical is the contact with water/glycol mixtures, both for the suppliers of materials and for those who design and manufacture the parts, or finally for the automotive manufacturers. This is the focus of the THERMOFIP project. The consequence of an improved simulation of aging is to be able to produce more complex and lighter parts without loss of durability and with maintained or improved development times. We are looking for the possibility to generate a weight reduction of the order of 20% on the parts concerned.

The main economic objective of the project is to provide its members with privileged access to a rapidly growing market, due to the changes in engine architecture caused by the desire to reduce their CO2 emissions: the market for cooling and oil circuit parts. In particular, the market for active components including actuators and valves is expected to triple by 2025, which is an extremely important challenge for both parts manufacturers and plastics suppliers. An improved simulation technology will give the players who master it the possibility to be present in good conditions on this market and to conquer an important market share. 


Sponsor :

DOMO Chemicals (Large Group)

Partners :

  • Arobas Technologies (SME),
  • Novitom (SME),
  • Promold (SME),
  • ADI (SME),
  • Sogefi Filtrauto (SME),
  • renault SAS (Large Group),
  • Toyota (Large Group),
  • The Centre for Materials Processing at MINES
  • ParisTech