Chemlys thematic workshops

Wastewater quality and industrial hygiene: impacts and available resources

Chemlys and Chromatotec are organizing 2 half-days dedicated to topical issues: the quality of wastewater and associated control methods, and industrial hygiene and the resources available.

Publié le 29/08/2023 à 15:20

These are important issues for health and the environment, and today they are of paramount importance to industry.

Water pollution has a devastating impact on the environment, and can also damage health. That's why regulations have been set for wastewater, especially from industry. What's more, new molecules harmful to health are regularly identified, such as PFAS. As a result, new regulations are being added all the time. Being able to adapt quickly and anticipate is becoming an advantage, so it's essential to carry out analyses to ensure the quality of wastewater.

Air quality, the second theme addressed, is a major health issue. If neglected, it can cause nuisance for anyone in an enclosed space. The subject is all the more important in industrial environments, where there may be regular exposure to harmful emissions. Recommendations are therefore given to limit the risks and impacts on employee health, known as industrial hygiene.

Aware of the importance of these issues, Chemlys and Chromatotec are organizing workshops to present the solutions available to manufacturers to meet these quality control challenges. 

The workshops will take place over half a day on each theme. We'll be covering the technical aspects of the solutions, and putting them into practice.

Axel'One Analysis will be welcoming us to Solaize for this event. This collaborative innovation platform, set up in 2011, works closely with the regional ecosystem of academic players and industrial groups to foster the development of innovation and business.

Register via the link at the end of this article - places are limited!

(max. 2 people per company)